
click here, to visit Facebook, sign in and search for, Knights of Columbus St. Catharines, to learn more about what our Knights do!
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Brothers Brian Leblanc & Geoff Haimes were selling K of C 2025 calendars at St. Thomas Aquinas Church after the 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday Dec. 14th

Four Brothers from our council hosted a free BBQ at Mount Carmel Retirement home in St. Catharines on Sept. 21st., for 62 residents including 2 priests & 6 nuns.

click the photo above to see details!
Supreme Council produced a video about our brother Ted Van der Zalm and his work in guatemala for Wells of Hope!Click here to see the video!

Photo above: Deputy Grand Knight Pearson (R) & helper installed a new Right To Life sign created by brother Joe Pizzati on the west side of Council 1394 hall 0n June 14, 2019

Photo above: 1394 Knights with the Icon of Mary of Pesecuted Christians, after presentation to St. Thomas Aquinas Church on June 9, 2019 Click here to view Presentation video!

Photo above: 1394 Grand Knight Johnson Speaks March 3rd at St. Alfred's Church before Presentation of a cheque of support to new seminarian John Paul Tabios.

Photo above: Grand Knight Johnson Moraes Presents J.P.Tabios $500 Sponsorship cheque

Photo Above: Grand Knight J. Moraes & Jean Paul

Photo Above: (L- R) Mr. & Mrs. Tabios with GK Moraes, Father Hugh Gibson & John Paul.

Grand Knight Johnson Moraes Presents Thomas James the Culture of life award At the Denis Morris Graduation Ceremony!

The photo above:Grand Knight Johnson Moraes Presents Grads Madison Grano & Jacob Barnowski Mcquillen watches on Behalf of Council 1394 at Denis Morris
Photo Below- Council 1394 Chancellor Geoff Haimes center & Grand Knight Carl Pearson, right, present Council 1394 Chaplin Father Chad Grennan a Cheque in the amount of $1,000.00, raised from the Council's work at Delta Bingo. Father Chad is also Pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in St. Catharines.

Photo Below- Council 1394 Chancellor Geoff Haimes (right) and Advocate, Mike Carroll present St. Mary's Church St. Vincent De Paul representatives Bannet Carroll (2nd from right) & Louise LiBrock with a cheque in the amount of $1400.00 , raised from the Council's Sponsored Walk in February.

Photo below:Grand Knight Carl Pearson (left), Financial Secretary Don Mikulinski (2nd from right) & Bingo Chairman Walter Cybulak, Present Coats For Kids to Betty-Lou Souter,( centre) CEO of Community Care of St. Catharines and Thorold. These coat donations are made possible with monies earned through our member's work at Delta Bingo in St. Catharines!
Photo Below- 1394 Council members present our Chaplin, Father Chad Grennan with a cheque in the amount of $400 to be used towards purchasing a new Easter Candle for St. Thomas Aquinas Parish!

Photo above. Congratulations to our Brother PGK Johnson Moraes, who became a Canadian citizen on July 4th 2022!
Photo Above: Prior to our April Meeting, Carlos Nunes, the Director of Restoration, Explained to the Council some of challenges & plans associated with the restoration of the Cathedral of Catherine of Alexandria here in St.Catharines. From (L- R) Grand Knight Moraes, Carlos Nunes, Father Don Lizzotti, & PGK Mathie
Photo below:Brother Brian Leblanc presents Father Chad Grennan a cheque for $500 from the Bingo Fund for the purchase of a new Alb

Photo below:Congratulations to Father Chad Grennan , who was officially welcomed as our New Chaplain by Grand Knight carl Pearson on June 8, 2020.

Photos below: Brothers: Mike Carroll, Brian Leblanc, & Grand Knight Carl Pearson & Vivian Pereira, all participated in the fundraiser, Coldest Night of the Year Walk fundraiser representing Council 1394!

Photo below: Brother walter Cybulak( 2nd from left) Grand Knight Carl Pearson (2nd from right) Financial Secretary Don Mikulinski (right) & of Council 1394 St. Catharines, Present Coats For Kids to Betty-Lou Souter,( Far left) CEO of Community Care of St. Catharines and Thorold. These coat donations are made possible with monies earned through our member's work at Delta Bingo in St. Catharines!

Photo above: Grand Knight Johnson Moraes, Deputy Grand Knight Carl Pearson of Council 1394 St. Catharines, and Phillip Brand KofC Fraternal advisor, were on hand to deliver donated boxes of Brand new winter coats for boys and girls to St. Peter & St. Theresa Catholic elementary schools in St. Catharines. Coats for Kids is a program that the Knights of Columbus Council 1394 sponsors every year! These coat donations are made possible with monies earned through our member's work at Delta Bingo in St. Catharines!
LAST UPDATED: ON January 9th, 2025